20.01 Update 18-Mar-2020

In this release, we have implemented the following features


Added new Communications tab

The communications tab will show you the correspondences you have with your bidders through forms such as the Tender Interview form

It is divided into two tabs  - Recieved and Sent for easy navigation

Publication Space

Handling distribution list restrictions

With this release distributing to lists will automatically alert you do the users that cannot be addressed based on your projects communication security settings

Contracts Admin

From this release onwards you will only be able to have only one open Claim per budget line item. 
If any existing Claims exist the system will prompt you to withdraw them before proceeding.



A new utility has been added that is only available to Project Admins to Push users from one project to another

The utility will check if the user matches based on global user id.

  • If it matches, it will update:
    • User's Status: retired / normal.
    • Setting of Restricted: true / false.
    • The User's Role: Guest etc.
    • Setting for API access: true / false.
  • If it does not match:
    • The utility will check for the Project company by Global Company name and 
    • Add the PrjCompany if it is missing
    • Add the User

Deleted workflows are retained

Deleted correspondence workflows will now be available on the existing forms as well as in the revision history