Setting up Meta Data or user fields is easy with the Publication Space. Setting the up prior to project commencement will allow you capture all the relevant details related to your documents.
There are 2 types of Fields
- Standard Fields = Comes pre-included with the Publication space. Some customisation is possible.
- Custom Fields = Fields that you can add to a project that can be customised as needed.
Add Edit Revision Statuses
Revision Statuses are set up so that they can be applied when a document is uploaded to the Publication Space. This is a standard field that is required to be filled in on all uploads.
To add or edit Rev Statuses
- Go to the Configure
- Modules
- Publication
- Publication Space
- Settings
On the Publication Space Settings page Click on Fields
To Edit Rev Statuses
- Click on Edit in the Rev Status row
To Add a new Status
- Click on Add Status
- Give the Status as name by clicking into the Row that was just added
- Give it a Code
- Configure Who has Access and click Done
To Edit a New Rev Status
- To Edit any details about an existing Rev status simply click into each columns and make your change
- Then click save
To Add Rev Statuses from Excel
- Click on Import Status from Excel
- Download the Template
- Fill it in with Rev Status name and Code
- Select the excel file. Click Import
To Disable a Rev Status
- Click on Disable in the Rev status row
Showing Disabled Rev Statuses
Click on the Show Disabled button
To Enable a Disabled Rev Status
Click on Enable in the Rev Status row