You can create a custom split button from the model to create a specific form type.
1. Go to Configure.
2. Document Form Types
3. Select the model document type.
4. Scroll to SplitOn the General Tab select Splitting.
5. Click Manage Under Custom Split on Add New Button.
6. In the new pop up window you can click on the "Add New Button" to create a new Button.
7. Give the button a name.
8. Select the form type you wish to split to when the button is clicked.
9. You can also configure whether the button appears in the toolbar as well as the document list user field if it is configured on the form type.10. After adding the row and setting the options as needed, click save on the row to create this custom split button. Choose if you want the button to appear in ALL statuses or only SPECIFIC statuses.
10. If you choose SPECIFIC then select the status(es) you want the button to appear with.
11. Check Custom Split so the Blue Button appears in the details are (shown below).
12. Document List does not need to be checked as the BIM model does not have a document list user field configured.
13. Click Update when you have finished creating your split button(s).
To see how to use the custom split on your model click here.