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Always Available Search appears as input box in the main header on top of your navigation pane. It remains there regardless of where you are in RIB CX enabling the user to quickly and effortlessly search for any document in the system.

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Basic Keyword Search

  1. Users can type in a keyword and press Enter or click the search button.

  2. Upon clicking or pressing Enter, the search will run, load the results, and navigate to the advanced criteria page.

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Adding Advanced Criteria

Advanced criteria allows you to search with added criteria. It will open automatically when you do a basic search.

You can begin a search without typing in a keyword by clicking on the All Criteria button. This will take you to the Advanced Criteria page.

Advanced criteria allows you to search with added criteria. This page provides all available search options to refine your search. Use the filters and criteria to narrow down your results for more precise searching.

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Add more criteria to your search faster

To begin a search you can pick a Form Type or Status.

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+ More Criteria : Add User Field criteria by clicking on + More Criteria and searching for the field you need. From here you can pick the options you require and click search.

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The dropdown displays the Selected Fields, Standard Fields and User Fields.

You can add any of these fields to your criteria by ticking the check box next to them and clicking done. You can select one or more fields at a time

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You can also search for the fields using the search box at the top of the dropdown list


Filter Field Options more intuitively

You can filter fields with options as by typing into the input box to find the option you want, or by simply selecting the options you need.

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