3. Click on Import a Contract.
4. Firstly, download the Excel template.
5. Fill in the template with indented lines if needed.
6. Add Contract Particulars for Item, Unit, Rate and Value Columns.
- ID column creates indentation up to 5 levels as follows:
- 001 Heading.
- 001.001 Sub-Heading.
- 001.001.001 Element or Activity Name.
- Item column is the Name of the ID.
- Code column is only for Trade reimbursable projects only.
- Unit column is free-type but generally Unit, m2, m3, lm, Hour, Day.
- Type column is either LS (Lump Sum) or SoR (Schedule of Rates).
- Qty column is the amount.
- Rate column is the dollar amount of each Qty.
- Value column is the total of Qty multiplied by Rate.
- Hours Per Day (these can remain blank if required).
- Days Per Week (these can remain blank if required).
- Committed Start Date (these can remain blank if required).
- Committed End Date (these can remain blank if required).
7. When ready to import, select the Contract type you wish to Import.
8. Provide a Contract Select the contract you want to create a claim for.
5. Select the Claim type.
6. Download the Excel template.
7. Fill in the template with indented lines if needed.
8. When ready to import, provide a Claim title.
9. Select the file or drag and drop the Contract Claim spreadsheet.
10. Click Next.
11. A summary page will appear and click Finish.