Under the General Tab, locate Format and tick the Checkbox for Description where it says "display". Choosing this option will show the description rather than the code which you are going to populate in the Options Tab.
Writing the Cascading Layers
Click on the Options Tab as shown in the previous window and you will find that the window will change to display the Options to add the layers as shown in the below screenshot.
Once the above steps are done, go ahead and create your required Doc Type. For this demonstration, we will create a General Correspondence. See the below screenshots to see how the Cascading field looks like. For this demonstration please see the Location field.
Select Multiple Options in Cascading User Fields
In the configure for a cascading user field, there is now an "Allow Multiple" option.
The look of a cascading user field has also changed. It now resembles a tree structure that you expand to find the value that is needed.
Full Cascading User Field Code in the Title
When you configure the title of a form to be based on a cascading user field, it will now display the full code path of the cascading option selected for that form when it is created.