Version | Release Date | End of Life | REST Changes | SOAP Changes |
22.12 | 06-Dec-2022 |
| - New Interfaces
- Company/Rename (id, newCompanyCode, updatePreferCode)
- Document/ImportComment (CommentDto)
- Security/GetById (SecurityDto)
- Security/GetByIds (SecurityDto[])
- User/Rename (id, newUserCode, updatePreferCode)
- Updated Interfaces
- Document/GetDocumentAsPdf
- Optional Parameter: relativeLinks (bool)
- Optional Parameter: showHistory (bool)
- Added Models
- SecurityDto
- Id (int32)
- ModelType (string)
- Levels (SecurityLevelDto[])
- SecurityLevelDto
- Type (string)
- Level (int32)
- SecurityString (string)
- TenderAddendumDto
- SetSequence (int32)
- IssuedDate (date-time)
- IsResetSubmissions (bool)
- Updated Models
- BidderDto
- Added BidderUserCode (string)
- ClaimDto
- Added RetentionManual (double)
- DocumentSettingDto
- StatusSettingDto
- UserfieldSettingDto
- Added SecurityId (int32)
- Added IsCommon (bool)
- StatusActionDto
- FolderDto
- TenderPackageDto
- WithdrawnBidderIds (int32[])
- Addendums (TenderAddendumDto[])
| - Updated Models
- Session
- Type - enum options updated.
- CxAttachment
- Added: RowStatus
- Added: SourceAttachmentId
- UserfieldValue
- Change: Lattitude - from double to decimal
- Change: Longitude - from double to decimal
22.08 | 03-Aug-2022 | 05-Apr-2023 | - New Interfaces
- DocSetting/GetByType (DocumentSettingDto)
- ExternalUser/Get (UserDto[])
- ExternalUser/GetById (UserDto)
- ExternalUser/GetByIds (UserDto[])
- PaymentCertificate/Create (PaymentCertificateDto)
- RegisterDoc/Move (ids[], folderId)
- RegisterDoc/Retire (ids[])
- RegisterDoc/Restore (ids[])
- Report/ProcessExcel (ExcelDataDto)
- SavedSearch/Get (SavedSearchDto[])
- SavedSearch/GetById (SavedSearchDto)
- SavedSearch/GetExcel (File: xlsx)
- SavedSearch/GetExcelData (ExcelDataDto)
- User/GetByEmailAddress (UserDto)
- Updated Interfaces
- Transmital/Create
- Optional Parameter: sendNotification (bool)
- Added Models
- SavedSearchDto
- Id (int64)
- FolderId (int32)
- Name (string)
- Description (string)
- Path (string)
- Timestamp (int64)
- Updated Models
- BidderDto
- Added: BidderUserId (int32)
- LinkedDocumentDto
- DocumentSettingDto
- Added: FormVersion (int32)
- RevisionDto
| - Updated Models
- CxAddresse
- UserfieldValue
- Added: UserfieldPinValue
- Added: UserfieldPinValueId
- Added: UserfieldPolygonValueId
- UserformSetting
- UIWebStyle
- Theme - enum options updated
- Userfield
- Type - enum options updated
22.04 | 06-Apr-2022 | 15-Dec-2022 | - Updated Interfaces
- Login/EncryptPassword
- GET changed to POST
- PasswordDto replaces the password parameter.
- Added Models
- Updated Models
- SalaryControlSheetDto AND WageControlSheetDto
- Added: ForecastFinalCostComment (string)
- Added: ForecastBestQty (double)
- Added: ForecastBestPerWeek (double)
- Added: ForecastBestOther (double)
- Added: ForecastBestComment (string)
- Added: ForecastTargetQty (double)
- Added: ForecastTargetPerWeek (double)
- Added: ForecastTargetOther (double)
- Added: ForecastTargetComment (string)
- Added: ForecastWorstQty (double)
- Added: ForecastWorstPerWeek (double)
- Added: ForecastWorstOther (double)
- Added: ForecastWorstComment (string)
- Added: OneOffCostComment (string)
- Added: BudgetOriginal (double)
- Added: ApprovedVariations (double)
- Added: BudgetApproved (double)
- Added: GainLoss (double)
- SalaryItem and WageItem
- Added: StartDate (date)
- Added: FinishDate (date)
| - Updated Models
- UserFieldValue
- Added: UserfieldPolygonValue
- ProjectSetting
- Added: WeekEndDay
- Added: WeekStartDay
- UserFieldType
21.12 | 01-Dec-2021 | 03-Aug-2022 | - New Interfaces
- Company/Restore (int32)
- Company/Retire (int32)
- Document/Import (DocumentDto)
- Project/GetByName (ProjectDto)
- Revision/GetByFolderIds (RevisionDto)
- Transmittal/Distribute (TransmittalDocDto)
- User/GetCurrent (UserDto)
- User/Restore (int32)
- User/Retire (int32)
- Updated Interfaces
- Document/Create, Document/Update
- Optional Parameter: sendNotification (bool)
- Login/ByEmail
- LoginDto replaces email and encryptedPassword parameters.
- RegisterDoc/GetById, RegisterDoc/GetByName, RegisterDoc/GetByIds
- OptionalParameter: includeRetired (bool)
- OptionalParameter: includeRetiredRevisions (bool)
- Revision/GerById, Revision/GetByIds, Revision/GetByFolderId
- OptionalParameter: includeRetired (bool)
- Added Models
- ContactFieldValueDto
- Id (int32)
- ContactId (int32)
- FieldId (int32)
- FieldDescription (string)
- FieldType (string)
- OptionId (int32)
- Text (string)
- StatusActionDto
- Id (int32)
- StatusSettingId (int32)
- Type (string)
- DisplayText (string)
- CanSee (string)
- PreConditions (array[QueryCriterionDto])
- PostActions (array[QueryCriterionDto])
- Order (int32)
- RowStatus (int32)
- QueryCriterionDto
- Id (int32)
- Order (int32)
- LogicOperator (string)
- Type (string)
- Criteria (string)
- Operator (string)
- Value (string)
- LoginDto
- Email (string)
- EncryptedPassword (string)
- Updated Models
- BidderDto
- FieldValues (array[ContactFieldValueDto])
- DocumentDto
- SalaryItem
- Allowances (array[SalaryItemAllowance])
- WageItem
- Allowances (array[WageItemAllowance])
- StatusSettingDto
- RowStatus (int32)
- Actions (array[StatusActionDto])
| - Updated Models
- Revision.LockedType
- Folder.FolderType
- PrjDocSettingSecurity
- Added: CanCloseReopen (bool)
- SalaryItem
- WageItem
- Updated Interfaces
- GetRevisionsByRegisterDocIds
- Parameter: includeRetired (bool)
21.08 | 18-Aug-2021 | 06-Apr-2022 | - New Interfaces
- CostCode/Get (CaCostCodeDto)
- CostCode/GetByDocSettingId (CaCostCodeDto)
- CostCode/Create (CaCostCodeDto)
- CostCode/Update (CaCostCodeDto)
- CostCode/Upsert (CaCostCodeDto)
- Revision/GetByIds (RevisionDto)
- Updated Interfaces
- ControlSheet_Get
- Optional Parameter: onlyReportable (bool)
- Added Models
- CaCostCodeDto
- Id (int32)
- DocCode (string)
- DocSettingId (int32)
- Code (string)
- Description (string)
- RowStatus (int32)
- Timestamp (int64)
- Updated Models
- ControlSheetDto
- CommentDto
- NumberInfoDto
- CostCode (CaCostCodeDto)
- PreviousVariance (double)
- ProjectDto
- Phone (string)
- Fax (string)
- Email (string)
- Address (string)
- PostCode (int32)
- RevisionDto
| - Updated Models
- UserFieldValue
- Project
- ControlSheet.Type
- Updated Interfaces
21.04 | 14-Apr-2021 | 01-Dec-2021 | - New Interfaces
- BudgetForecast/Update (BudgetForecastDto)
- ContractVariation/Update (ContractVariationDto)
- GlobalCompany/Get (PageResult[GlobalCompanyDto])
- GlobalCompany/Search (GlobalCompanyDto[])
- GlobalCompany/GetById (GlobalCompanyDto)
- GlobalCompany/GetByIds (GlobalCompanyDto[])
- GlobalCompany/Update (Result)
- Updated Interfaces
- TenderDatabase/*
- No longer needs ProjectName parameter
- Added Models
- GlobalCompanyDto
- Id (int32)
- PreferCode (string)
- Name (string)
- BusinessNo (string)
- Title (string)
- EmailAddress (string)
- ProjectIds (array[int32])
- Address (string)
- PostalAddress (string)
- Phone (string)
- Fax (string)
- Mobile (string)
- Web (string)
- Updated Models
- BudgetForecastDto
- ContractDto
- ContractVariationDto
- LineItemDto
- LinkedBudgetLineItemId (int64)
- ProjectDto
| - Updated Models
- Revision
- Contract.LineItems
- ContractVariation.LineItems
- BudgetForecast.LineItems
- DocumentSettingDetails
- Added ShowSplitModeOption
- PrjDocSettingUserField
20.11 | 25-Nov-2020 | 31-Jul-2021 | - New Interfaces
- Bidder/Create (BidderDto)
- Bidder/Update (BidderDto)
- Bidder/Upsert (BidderDto)
- Report/CreateExcel (ExcelDataDto)
- TenderDatabase/Get (PageResult[TenderDatabaseDto])
- TenderDatabase/GetById (TenderDatabaseDto)
- Updated Interfaces
- Bidder/Get
- Optional tenderDatabaseId (integer)
- Optional includeRetired (boolean)
- Bidder/GetByIds
- Optional tenderDatabaseId (integer)
- Added Models
- ExcelDataDto
- FileName (string)
- Columns (array[string])
- Rows (array[string])
- RowStyles (dictionary[rowId, string])
- TenderDatabaseDto
- Id (integer)
- Name (string)
- Timestamp (int64)
- CostCodes (array[CostCodeDto])
- Status (integer)
- CostCodeDto
- Id (integer)
- Code (string)
- TradeAliasId (integer)
- TradeName (string)
- GlobalTradeId (integer)
- GlobalTradeName (string)
- IsAllTrades (boolean)
- Status (integer)
- Updated Models
- BidderDto
- Added CostCode (string)
- Added CostCodeId (integer)
- Added TradeName (string)
- Added StreetAddress (string)
- Added City (string)
- Added State (string)
- Added Country (string)
- Added PostCode (string)
- Added Rating (integer)
- Added IsPreferred (boolean)
- Added Phone (string)
- Added Mobile (string)
- Added Status (integer)
- Added Timestamp (int64)
| - New Interfaces
- DeleteAssociations
- GetRecentCreatedDocumentIds
- Updated Models
- Folder
- Added IsCanUpload
- Added SecurityType
- QueryCriterion
- Added Enum Types: ContactUserField & Type
20.07 | 29-Jul-2020 | 31-Mar-2021 | Initial Release |