Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Here is a sample of that report


Selecting Multiple options in Cascading field

Add applicability property for user groups

Publication Space

"Created by" field for Placeholders

When a placeholder is created, a new field has been added to display who created it

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Add - All companies option

When creating Auto Field Matching patters, you can now apply it to All companies now with the new All companies option

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Disable notifications during distribution

Disable all notification when distributing documents by clicking on the new disable button.

You can disable notifications for a single user or all users

Click on the notification settings button

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Then tick the disable notification tickbox for 1 or more users as required

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Author rights for Distributing documents

In this release, we have introduced a new configuration setting that allows you to control which users can Distribute Documents.

The setting can be found under Publication Space > Settings > Transmittals

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When a user/group/company are configured only those users will be able to distribute documents.  The distribute button will be hidden for these users.


When a project is still in the setup phase, the  Associate, Split and Respond will not be hidden


When a folder is retired a history entry will not be added in the PS settings > History page

Reports under the Reports section will also include retired folders.

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You can now add a custom Stamp to a document via a Stamp.

The configuration User Groups now have an Applicability property. This can be used to configure which users on the project are able to address a particular group or use it in security settings contexts.

Users without applicability rights will not see the group in;

  • Addressing
  • On the contact picker (old and the auto-fill)

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NOT DONE - Saved Search: No. of Days Delay counts weekend days so make this optional

NOT DONE - Selecting Multiple options in Cascading field


Publication Space

"Created by" field for Placeholders

When a placeholder is created, a new field has been added to display who created it

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Image Added

Add - All companies option

When creating Auto Field Matching patters, you can now apply it to All companies now with the new All companies option

Image Added

Disable notifications during distribution

Disable all notification when distributing documents by clicking on the new disable button.

You can disable notifications for a single user or all users

Click on the notification settings button

Image Added

Then tick the disable notification tickbox for 1 or more users as required

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Author rights for Distributing documents

In this release, we have introduced a new configuration setting that allows you to control which users can Distribute Documents.

The setting can be found under Publication Space > Settings > Transmittals

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Creating a Stamp

To add a new stamp click on Add stamp

  1. Give it a name
  2. Configure who has access to the Stamp
  3. And pick a color.
  4. Then click Save.
  5. You can view a preview of what your Stamp will look like, by hovering over the preview button

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Adding a Stamp to the document

You can add a stamp to a document by going opening a document from the Publication Space or by marking it up during a workflow.

  1. Once you are on the markup toolbar
  2. Click on the Stamp icon in the toolbar
  3. Image Removed
  4. Then pick the stamp you wish to add to the document and click and drag your mouse to add it in the desired size.
  5. Then click Save

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With this release, you will be able to search on version sets.

You can search on version sets at 2 levels

  1. Across all version sets
  2. And within version sets

To search across all version sets, click on Version sets in the menu

On the main screen where all version sets are displayed, used the suggested search or the advanced search to filter the version sets based on your criteria

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To search inside a version set, open the required version set and add your criteria

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You will now be able to add a pin to plan and link existing forms to that pin. This can be done one at a time or in bulk.

  1. To link/associate existing forms , open a document and add a pin
  2. On the pop up screen select the Associate option
  3. Image Removed
  4. On the associate screen, search for the forms you wish to associate to the pin and click search
  5. Then add the forms and click Save
  6. A pin will be added to the document for each of the you selected.
  7. You can move the pins to the relevant location by clicking on move and them moving the pins.
  8. Click the tick icon to save your changes

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Printing PS Workflow Config

A button has been added to the Workflow configuration page so that you may print the configuration.

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Here is an example of the output

When a user/group/company are configured only those users will be able to distribute documents.  The distribute button will be hidden for these users.

Hide buttons from DTX and TX  when the project is in Set Up Phase

When a project is still in the setup phase, the  Associate, Split and Respond will not be hidden

History for Retired Folders

When a folder is retired a history entry will not be added in the PS settings > History page

Reports under the Reports section will also include retired folders.

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Markup tools - Add a stamp

You can now add a custom Stamp to a document via a Stamp.

The configuration can be found under Publication Space > Settings > Transmittals

Image Added

Creating a Stamp

To add a new stamp click on Add stamp

  1. Give it a name
  2. Configure who has access to the Stamp
  3. And pick a color.
  4. Then click Save.
  5. You can view a preview of what your Stamp will look like, by hovering over the preview button

Image Added

Adding a Stamp to the document

You can add a stamp to a document by going opening a document from the Publication Space or by marking it up during a workflow.

  1. Once you are on the markup toolbar
  2. Click on the Stamp icon in the toolbar
  3. Image Added
  4. Then pick the stamp you wish to add to the document and click and drag your mouse to add it in the desired size.
  5. Then click Save

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Search Version sets

With this release, you will be able to search on version sets.

You can search on version sets at 2 levels

  1. Across all version sets
  2. And within version sets

To search across all version sets, click on Version sets in the menu

On the main screen where all version sets are displayed, used the suggested search or the advanced search to filter the version sets based on your criteria

Image Added

To search inside a version set, open the required version set and add your criteria

Image Added

Pin to Plan - associate existing forms

You will now be able to add a pin to plan and link existing forms to that pin. This can be done one at a time or in bulk.

  1. To link/associate existing forms , open a document and add a pin
  2. On the pop up screen select the Associate option
  3. Image Added
  4. On the associate screen, search for the forms you wish to associate to the pin and click search
  5. Then add the forms and click Save
  6. A pin will be added to the document for each of the you selected.
  7. You can move the pins to the relevant location by clicking on move and them moving the pins.
  8. Click the tick icon to save your changes

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Printing PS Workflow Config

A button has been added to the Workflow configuration page so that you may print the configuration.

Image Added

Here is an example of the output

Scanning a QR code to view Documents


A new tickbox has been added to show or hide validated files. Validated files are files where all required fields have been fill in.

This will save you time when uploading documents to quickly identify which documents still require data to be filled in 

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This will save you time when uploading documents to quickly identify which documents still require data to be filled in 

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Optionally hide a folder from users

The standard security model of the Publication Space has always been that a user is able to view a folder if

a) they have folder permissions

b) if they do not have folder permissions but have had documents within that folder distributed to them

With this release we providing Admins with further flexibility on which folders a user can view on the Publication Space.

We've added a tickbox at the folder level called  "Allow users to see this folder when they are distributed documents within it.  By default this will be ticked. 

The setting can be found under the Permissions tab of a folder

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However, with this unticked, any user who does not have a folder level security permission cannot see it.  

Those users will not be able to see this folder even though documents within that folder have been distributed to them.  

The folder will be hidden to them when

  • Browsing
  • Searching

The user will only be able to see those documents via the DTX. This will apply to existing distributions as well. 

If you added Can See/Upload/Folder Admin rights they will see the folder. 



Adding more user fields to the list layout


You can click on a pin to get a summary of the form and then click on the View button to view the form

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Create a Tender Database Manually


To do so, pick the Undo Accepted Bid option and accept the changes

NOT DONE - Allow superseding OR deleting external attachments issued through addenda



Add history for in-line split from a Document list user fields


With this release of the app you can also associate forms to another form.

  1. To do so open a form
  2. Go to the related tab
  3. Click on the Associate button

On the Association pop up, you can search for forms on the Criteria Tab or
