The table below lists our full list of filenames that can be matched and regognisedrecognised
Pattern | Example | Doc # | Rev | Title |
doc#-[Rev]-Title.ext | A101-[A]-Architectural Plan 101.pdf | A101 | A | Architectural Plan 101 |
doc#_[Rev]_Title.ext | A102_[B]_Architectural Plan 102.pdf | A102 | B | Architectural Plan 102 |
doc# [Rev] Title.ext | A103 [C] Architectural Plan 103.pdf | A103 | C | Architectural Plan 103 |
doc#[Rev]Title.ext | A104[D]Architectural Plan 104.pdf | A104 | D | Architectural Plan 104 |
doc#[Rev]Title.ext | A101 [A_01] Title 1.pdf | A101 | A_01 | Title 1 |
doc#[Rev]Title.ext | B101 [B-01] Title 2.pdf | B101 | B-01 | Title 2 |
doc#[Rev]Title.ext | C101 [B_01-1] Title 3.pdf | C101 | B_01-1 | Title 3 |
doc# [Rev].ext | A105 [E].pdf | A105 | E | |
doc#_[Rev].ext | A106_[F].pdf | A106 | F | |
doc#-[Rev].ext | A107-[G].pdf | A107 | G | |
doc#[Rev].ext | A108[H].pdf | A108 | H | |
doc#_Rev.ext | A109_I.pdf | A109 | I | |
doc#-Rev.ext | A110-J | A110 | J |