From June 2019, you will be able to Shortlist bidders during your Tender Assessment period.
Shortlist a Bidder
1. Go to the Package Progress Tab
2. Select the Bidder(s) you wish to Shortlist
3. From the Bidder Actions select - Shortlist Bidder
Notify Shortlisted Bidders / Notify Bidders who were not Shortlisted
1. After clicking Shortlist Bid you will be shown a screen with options to optionally Notify Shortlisted Bidders and Not Shortlisted Bidders.
2. Make Selections are required, fill in the email text and click on Done to send these notifications
Best and Final Offers
At the time of Shortlisting Bidders you can also request a Best and Final Offer from Bidders by ticking the Request Best and Final offer option