Click on Cog in the top tool bar.
Click on Import Folder Structure.
Download the Excel Template.
The next step is to populate the template with your folder structure. If you click into each cell instructions will be displayed on how to populate that cell.
Folder Name - Enter the folder name
Location 1
Folder Code - This must be a unique code. You might use
LOC1 for Location 1
Folder Path - Use this field to create subdirectories.
Top-level folders will contain / only.
If you want
a sub-folder e.g. Drawings PDF with a code of "
DRAW" then you would put /LOC1 in the folder path and so forth.
This is what the above folder structure will look like in Publication Space:
When the spreadsheet is complete, select your file and click Next to run the import.
If the upload is successful
, click next. You can either click Finish or Configure Permissions (Click herefor configure permissions).
If there are errors, the following screen will be displayed.
If there are errors, hit the Back button and correct your spread sheet, and restart upload.