Bulk Edit Package Details
- To Editmore Edit more than 1 package at a time click on the Bulk Tools action widget on the main Tenders dashboard
- This will launch the Bulk Action Tools wizard.
- From the drop down select, Change Package Details in bulk
- Click Next
- This will launch the wizard to let you edit packages in Bulk - To begin - Select the packages you would like to Edit
- Once the pakaged packages are selected, Click Next
Info |
Please note that the list of packages shown here will be packages that are in either Draft or Issued Status Withdrawn or Awarded packages will not be available for selection here. |
Edit package Close Date
- Tick the checkbox to edit Package Close Date
- Select the new Close date
- As this is a change to the Package details that the Bidders need to be aware of you will be required to Notifiy the Bidders (Which will automatically be ticked)
- You can add your custom message if you prefer.
- After doing so click Preview changes
- This will then display a summary of the changes with the original information and the information you have updated for the Close Date
- If you are happy to proceed with updating the package, Click Update Packages.
Edit package Contact Person
- Tick the checkbox to edit the Package contact
- Select the new Contact by clicking on the ... button
- After doing so click Preview changes
- This will then display a summary of the changes with the original contact person and the information you have updated with the new Contact for the package
- If you are happy to proceed with updating the package, Click Update Packages.
Edit setting to Enforce Close Date
- Tick the checkbox to Change Enforce Close Date Setting
- Select Yes to enforce the close date for the packages you selected. Or No to not enforce it.
- After doing so click Preview changes
- This will then display a summary of the changes with.
- If you are happy to proceed with updating the package, Click Update Packages.
Notify Bidders
When you make a change to the details of the packages you have selected you have the option to Notify bidders of the change with a custom message
All Active bidders on Issued Packages will be notified of the changes along with the reason that you add.
If you tick the Notify Bidder option and leave the message box empt, iTWOcx will send a standard message with the details of what was changed to the relevant bidders.
Info |
If you make a change to the Close Date of a package(s), then the system will automatically notify the bidders of the change. This will be represented when the tickbox to Notify Bidders will be ticked by default and cannot be unticked. You can still add a custom message in this scenario. |
Bulk Issue Addenda
Bulk Send Reminders