Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • It is a reply all.
  • A new document is not created.
  • Your response will be added below the original text. Responses work from the bottom up so the most recent response will be closest to the original text.
  • Notifications are sent to all people addressed on the form to alert them of a response.
  • You cannot delete people off the Address List but you can add others by typing in the Action or Info section.
  • You may be able to add people that the original author could not.

Submitting a Response within iTWO cx 

1. On the document you wish to respond to, click Respond on the bottom left of the window.


6. Once done, click Submit.

Quick Respond within iTWO cx

1. When the form appears in the right-hand pane of iTWO cx, click in the comment field and type your response.


5. When complete click Submit.

Reply to an Email to Add a Comment

You can also add a comment to an iTWO cx form by replying directly to an email notification. 


2. Add your comment above the email content and click send. This text will be added to form as a response

3. Click Send.

Reply to an Email Using the Respond Button

1. You can add a response to the iTWO cx form you have received by clicking on the Respond button on the email.
