1. Click the plus icon (+) on Project Toolbar to open the 'Create New Document' window.
2. Select the form type you wish to create by either typing the name of the form in the search bar or by selecting it from the list of available types from the correspondence menu.
3. The new document window will display.
4. Type a heading for the document in the Title field. All iTWO cx forms must have a title.
Choose the Status
1. Address the document to the recipient by typing their name or user id and hitting enter.
2. Alternatively, click on the Action or Info button to display the project address book.
Note |
The project address book contains the names of all users with whom you can communicate with through iTWO cx. |
3. Click on the user required and click action>. The user will pop into the action box on the right hand side.
1. Click on the Add an External Addressee button.
2. Add an External Addressee window pops up and fill in the details as required.
Add an Attachment
1. Attach any relevant files by drag and drop or select files.
Enter User Field Details
1. Where User Fields appear on a document, select the appropriate option.
Enter a Comment
1. Type the content of your document in the Comment.
2. Click Submit.
Tip |
If you created the document with a DRAFT status, you can issue it to those addressed by clicking the Issue icon at the bottom of the document. You can also Edit it and when ready click on Issue or click QuickCancel to Cancel and Remove this document (Nobody addressed will receive it). |
Move Users Between Action and Info
To move a user, select the user and click on the up or down arrow buttons.