It has 3 sections called Hotlist, My Docs and Notifications. For regular users of iTWO cx CX these sections will be self explanatory.
For new users iTWO cx CX Mobile will get the following from your iTWO cx CX Project:
- Hotlist - Action items are any open forms waiting on you to action.
- My Docs - Any open form you have created that is waiting on somebody else to action.
- Notifications - This will list all notifications that have been sent for your action or information.
This tab will list all the modules you have access to on your iTWO cx CX Project.
You can tap on a Module to access the forms in that Module.
Favourites is where you can access a search you have created and saved as a favourite. Click here for how to save a favourite.
On iTWO cx CX we refer to this as a saved search.