Understanding the App layout
The app is designed for easy navigation.
The main screen is broken down into 4 tabs.
Favorites Favourites
What each section is about
Me tab
The Me tab simply contains all documents related to YOU on this project.
Hotlist - iTWOcx Mobile will list all your ACTION ITEMS from your iTWOcx Project in this section.
Notifications - This will list all your notifications from your iTWOcx ProejectProject.
Modules tab
This tab will list all the modules you have access to on your iTWOcx Project.
You can tap on each row - a Module - to access the documents types under it.
Favorites tab
There will be times when you want to access a certain list of documents which you may have searched for based on your needs. And you would like to access this same list in the future to manage your process.
On the App this becomes a FavoriteFavourite.
This functionality is great for when you need to work in an environment without any internet connection. As this will allow you to download a set of documents and all its information for offline access.
Settings Tab
This tab lists a bunch of information related to your account and project. It also gives you the option to switch or change the project you are logged into.